the types of clouds in the sky and the wind direction can tell a lot about upcoming weather

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the types of clouds in the sky and the wind direction can tell a lot about upcoming weather

10 Basic Types of Clouds and How to Recognize Them

The many variations however can be grouped into one of 10 basic types depending on their general shape and height in the sky. Thus the 10 types are Low-level clouds (cumulus stratus stratocumulus) that lie below 6500 feet (1981 m) Middle clouds (altocumulus nimbostratus altostratus) that form between 6500 and 20000 feet (1981–6096 m)

Types of Clouds and How to Recognize Them - Science Notes and ...

Here is an overview of the types of clouds how to recognize them and what kind of weather they produce. Cumulus clouds look like fluffy cotton balls. Low to the ground they indicate fair weather but when they tower into the sky they produce storms. Stratus clouds are sheets or layers of clouds. They can produce an overcast day or light rain ...

Observing clouds and weather — Science Learning Hub

Like smoke from a haystack cloud roads follow the wind. A cloud road indicates the wind is coming from the horizon. If the road is straight the wind is steady – but if you see the road curve it means that the wind direction will change. The way the road curves will tell you the new direction.

Cloud Guide Types of Clouds and Weather They Predict!

1. Stratus Thin gray-white sheetlike clouds with low bases covering the whole sky. Weather prediction Fair but gloomy. They may bring drizzle or snow but won’t dump too much precipitation because they are so thin. Stratus clouds. 2. Stratocumulus Rounded cloud masses that form in a layer. Often they have a darkish tint instead of ...

Cloud Types | Center for Science Education › learning-zone › cloudsCloud Types | Center for Science › learning-zone › clouds CachedHigh Clouds. 5 - 13 km (16000 - 43000 ft) Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds in the sky however they are not associated with weather like the rest of the clouds in this table. Middle Clouds. 2 - 7 km (7000 - 23000 ft) Low Clouds. Surface - 2 km (surface - 7000 ft) Clouds with Vertical Growth. Surface - 13 km (surface - 43000 ft) Clouds that grow up instead of spreading out across the sky.

The 10 Different Types of Clouds How to Spot Them and ...

Nimbostratus clouds generally occupy the low and middle parts of the atmosphere and produce light to moderate rain. On the other hand cumulonimbus clouds can span the full depth of the atmosphere and produce very heavy rain in addition to other severe weather hazards like lightning hail damaging winds and tornadoes.

Types of Clouds | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather

But all clouds look a little bit different from one another and sometimes these differences can help us predict a change in the weather. Here’s a list of some of the most common cloud types you might spot in the sky High Clouds (16500-45000 feet)